Kimber K6 revolver

I am going to start with Kimber’s new revolver, the K6s

This is a small pocket revolver chambered for 357 Magnum

It weighs in at 23+ ounces just like a model 640, but the Kimber carries one additional round.

The cylinder has an interesting hexagon shape to it.

The rear sight is dovetailed and the front is pinned so they can be easily changed. The cylinder release is very Rugeresque

One very interesting feature is that the cylinder is recessed for the case heads 🙂 While not important to operation, us older Smith and Wesson guys like that

OK, you are asking “How does it shoot”

Pretty much like any 640. Physics is Physics,23 ounces and 357 Magnum is not going to be “FUN” no matter what you do.

This was not built to be Fun, it was built to save your butt

These are not yet in production. The first 1,000 will be polished bright stainless while the production version will look much like the one in these photos.

Price you say? MSRP will be around $850 just like many other firearms in it’s class

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