Happy Birthday America

During your BBQs and Family gatherings today try to take a moment and read the “Declaration of Independence”

Include your Children and even the neighbor’s kids if they happen to be at your house for the festivities.

I would bet money that none of the kids that attend public school have ever heard this document read aloud.

There is only a small handful of Documents in the World that have been written with the passion and love that comes across in the “Declaration of Independence” or “Constitution of the United States of America”


These are things that our children MUST learn about lest our Future Leaders repeat the same mistakes that England made over 242 years ago.

There is much talk in modern days that we should become more progressive and abolish things like the Second Amendment to the Constitution as being unnecessary. Just remember that without personal firearms ownership, we would not be Celebrating Independence on this day.

So enjoy the “Bombs Bursting in Air” tonight after the sun goes down, just NEVER forget how we got here and what it means to be AMERICAN

GOD Bless the USA

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