Caracal, the UAE gunmakers, have some new items for 2015

Next up is our old friends from Caracal. This is the gun designer/manufacturer from the UAE that popped on to the scene pretty big time at SHOT a few years back. You might all recall the auto pistols that had the QuickSights. The following year pistol caliber carbines that used the same magazines were introduced. Then ATF and Government importation regulations forced them into a redesign cycle.

This year they are bringing us a familiar old friend, 1911s. Only a total of 4 variations. Actually two versions available in two styles. There is a fullsize and a bobtail commander. The difference is in the sights. The models with the brown grips come with an adjustable rear sight and a fiber optic front sight. The models with the grey grips have tritium sights. All models have checkered front and backstraps, lowered and flared ejection ports, beveled magazine wells, ambidextrous safeties and all the other features we have become accustomed to in a good 1911. right now they are only offering 45ACP

Caracal is also producing a new precision rifle. Chambered in 7.62×51 this is already being produce for various foreign countries special services. These are not for sale in the US at the moment only because there is no available production. Caracal’s current contracts are taking 100% of the production.

They brought two for us to play with. Superbly accurate.

Wind was only a few knots and our farthest targets were limited to the 100 yard berm. My first two shot rang the Silhouette on the 100 yard line. Moving to the small round gongs I rang two out of three hits. I knew it was a miss when I pulled the trigger, it was me. I need to go spend more time with the rifles

I was also told that everything required to bring the quick sight models back into the US is almost complete. Probably we will see these at thenext SHOT show

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