A look back at the Taurus 450t

Throwback Thursday?

I know it has been out of the catalog for years, but Taurus made some great mid sized snubbies back in the day.

Offered in 2″ or 2 1/2″ barrels depending on the caliber and constructed of Stainless, Alloy or Total Titanium, these were little powerhouses. The revolvers were offered in a seven shot 357 Magnum or 5 shot 41 Magnum, 44 Special, 45 ACP and 45 Long Colt.

Shown below is the 2″ Total Titanium, 45 Long Colt, Taurus Model 450t snub nose revolver.


This Little Big Bore weighs in at under 20 ounces. To help tame recoil, the revolver is ported, this in addition what Taurus calls their “Ribber” grips do make a big difference.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI find the revolver pleasant enough to shoot most all 45 Long Colt ammunition that conforms to SAAMI specifications. Obviously this is not a revolver that you use to go out an plink a few hundred rounds on a lazy Sunday afternoon. This is a “I am in the wrong place and I need to save my ***” revolver.

Loaded with Barnes’ NEW 200 grain total Copper HPs, I think that goal is well met.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThat view is just a little bit on the intimidating side.

It is not necessary to always be looking to the latest and greatest thing the Magazines or Internet are harping on, nor do you need to seek out what the Boys and Girls on the new COP show are carrying. A 15+ year old revolver design stuffed with a 140+ year old cartridge will fill the bill just fine . . . . After all it is a 45




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