Hogue introduces new J-frame recoil absorbing grips

This was a busy year for Hogue, including the new ZOMBIE staff.

This grip will work on all of the Smith & Wesson Centennial revolvers and the polymer framed Bodyguards.

These grips have the same recoil absorbing back strap as the grips used on the big 500s. They are a bit longer than the Bantams and the hard plastic locking piece is right where your shirt or jacket usually hangs up on rubber grips.

That should make them a BIG favorite with the S&W pocket pistol crowd.

I want them on my 340PD and M&P340 pistols.

They can be removed from the firearm using a cartridge casing.

These are not yet in production. Probably 2 months or more out.

Mark Calzaretta

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