22 TCM

Armscor/Rock Island had many pistols on hand. The one that really caught my eye was their 1911 chambered in 22 TCM.

The 22 TCM cartridge is a 223 shortened down to 38 Super length and necked for 22 caliber. This is a cartridge similar to the 5.7 but short enough to function in a 1911.

The pistol is a wide body and holds 18 rounds of 22 TCM. This cartridge is VERY flat shooting. My first 10 rounds had 9 hits on gongs at 50 and 100. I was very impressed and I will be adding a 22 TCM to my collection shortly. This pistol sells for roughly $750.

As a bonus, there is no reason that the pistol can not be converted to 9MM or 38 Super with a barrel and spring swap. In fact most 22TCMs ship with a 9MM barrel.

Expect that I will be working up load data for this cute little cartridge as soon a supplies and dies are available.

Mark Calzaretta

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