As most of you know the Firearm Industry’s big trade show, S H O T, occurs each January.
I am here in Vegas and will give you guys info on what I find new and exciting. Realize the SHOT show is massive and there is no way that I will even visit 10% of the vendors here. However I am sure I will see something to interest you.
What most of you may not know is that every Monday before the SHOT show is “Media Day at the Range”
Most of the big boys bring some of their toys to the Bounder Pistol and Rifle Club for the Media to play with.
Located in Boulder City Nevada the BPRC is a HUGE shooting facility. There were roughly 70 vendors set up with live shooting displays and over 3000 Attendees. Here is infrared satellite image of the range facility

Range Map
SHOT busses everyone out to the facility starting at 7:45 in the morning. There are food trucks that come out for the event so coffee, drinks and food are available throughout the day. New as of last year is that Industry buyers get invited to the facility as well. However buyers can only shop up after Noon so the Media has a fairly good 4 hours in the morning to get through the displays

Short range
Stay tuned. I will be resizing pictures and posting more tidbits tonight.