2015 Ruger firing line

One of my first stops was the Ruger display.

Lots of new things here, some strange, some espected

It caught me eye. A Take Down version of the Charger. Why take down something that is half size to start, I have no idea, but here it is.

These are cute and probably a long time overdue. Bearcats with adjustable sights. Available in both stainless and blue steel.

The 3″ polymer framed LCR is here. It is 38 Special and I have been told that +P is not an issue for this firearm. A 357 Version is not in works at this time. The polymer frame is not going to handle it in it’s current configuration. However, they are still looking into it

Now we have the 9MM LCR. It requires moon clips to properly eject. Like many revolvers chambered for rimless cartridges, the cases will sit against the cylinder throats and fire without the moon clips. If you shoot it that way bring your pencil with you so the empties can be pushed out

The last of the new offerings that I had the chance to handle and shoot out at the range is a variation on the 22-45. It is colorful, suppressor ready, and milled for weight reduction.

OK, this should have been out decades ago. You can now buy a complete trigger group from Ruger that will give your 10/22 a 2 1/2-3 pound trigger. The best thing is the price, Under $75 for most all of the on-line vendors. I thought that I took a picture of this, I will do one from the show floor later in the week.

In addition to these new offerings, there will be distributor exclusives that I come across duringthe week. I will post them when I find them

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