2014 SHOT Show

We are only a few weeks away from the 2014 Shooting Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show. As is common in recent years it will be taking place at the Sands Expo center in Las Vegas.

Already there have been dozens of leaks from the Manufacturers.

S&W has two 9MM revolvers from the Performance Center, the Model 66 is returning, a 5 shot L-frame 44 Magnum will debut plus much more.

Taurus has a 9 ounce 38 Special with a transparent side-plate called “The VIEW”

SIG will have a new modular pistol. Buy one trigger group and you can make a large or compact pistol in a variety of calibers. Change it when you want.

Lots of new Rifles, shotguns and accessories are on the way as well.

The day before SHOT opens, I will be at the range shooting the new offering. Ecpect there to be pictures here that night.

I will be posting photos from the show each day. Withe over one million square feet of exhibit space, I hope I cover your favorite, but I will not be able to cover everything.


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